For Indigestion, Flatulence, Hyperlipidemia, Obesity and Gas Problems.
DOSAGE: 3-4 gm should be taken thrice daily, preferably after food
Good for Burning Micturition, Diabetes, Leucorrhoea, Dysentry.
USAGE: 1-5 gm twice a day, after food with hot water.
Venpoosani Legiyam Acts as an Aphrodisiac and Promotes General Wellbeing. It Nourishes the Entire System and Rejuvenates the Vital Organs. White Discharge, Burning Micturition, Diseases of Genitalia and Pitha Diseases.
DOSAGE: 5-10 gm should be taken thrice daily, preferably after food.
Worm Infestation, Skin Infections, Ulcer in Chicken Pox, Fever Due to Toxins.
USAGE: 1-3 gms twice a day, preferably before food with warm water.
All Sorts of Skin Diseases, Psoriasis, Itches, Burning, Skin Infection.
USAGE: For both internal and external use. For internal use – 5ml should be mixed with a cup of hot milk and to be taken once daily in morning empty stomach for 48 days.
Excessive Thirst Due to Heat, Jaundice, Hypertension, Headache, Fever, Eye disease.
USAGE: 1-2 gm twice a day, after food with hot water.
For Intestinal Ulcers, Vomiting, Giddiness.
USAGE: 1-2 gm twice a day, after food with water.
Abdominal Discomfort, Intestinal Ulcers and Cools the Body. Good For Diabetics.
Gastric Ulcer, Indigestion, Body Heat Due to Stress and Strain.