It acts as General Tonic, Tones up the Nerves and gives Vitality Both Physically and Mentally. It can be taken by both Male and Female, of all age groups, for Nourishment.
DOSAGE: 5 gm can be taken thrice daily with milk.
Diabetes, skin related problems and it is work as a mild natural laxative.
USAGE: 1-3 gm twice a day, after food with water.
skin free from irritation, pimples, acne to have skin fresh and soft.
Blood Purifier, for constipation and Anti-dote for all Poisons.
USAGE: 1-2 gm twice a day, before food with water.
Badam Mix-Ammavinkairusi
Barnyard millet is a good source of highly digestible protein and at the same time is least caloric dense compared to all other cereals.
Benefits: Consuming basmati rice premium obstruct formation of Hemorrhoids. It's a treasury of vitamins and fiber and also good source of carbohydrates which keeps one full for longer duration. Eating them usually pacifies constipation, lower sugar release and also a great option for diabetic people.
Beetroot Malt-Ammavinkairusi
Akshayam Besan Flour
About this item
Best laxative tea to help relieve constipation and ease bowel movement. Slim down and detox the natural way!
HIP TEA's main benefit is the relief from constipation by the simulation of the colon.
The bowel movement usually occurs between 8 - 12 hours after drinking HIP ...
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